Bitron C UVC UVC clarifiers with patented self cleaning and bypass technology Top Features of Bitron C Self cleaning thanks to patented cleaning. Tilslutningsstuds grader passer til slange passer til Oase Bitron C og Oase Bitron Eco modellerne, med denne vinkel er det lettere at lave slangeføring . Hi All Two set of Oase C1clarifiers installed years ago, carry out annual maintenance yesterday, changing four new UV bulb as well. The OASE Bitron 55C UV Clarifer provides consistent clear and healthy pond water by flocculating algae for removal by the pond filter.

Oase Bitron C UV Clarifiers Pond Uv Clarifiers, Absolute Koi , Koi Supplies - Koi dealer - Koi Ponds - Koi Pond Supplies. Ultraviolet device with a very large exposure box allowing a longer duration of the passage of water. Very effective disinfection thanks to long-life Philips lamps.
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