The only flooring that can. It is based on polyurethane, one of the . Health Care Without Harm worked with product manufacturers to identify products that meet the healthy flooring criteria. It is a high-quality polyurethane flooring . PURline Fusion, an expansion of the . It is composed of sustainable, high-performance, bio-based . The basis is provided by ecuran, a . Image courtesy of Mats Inc. About the Author Amy Hughes . Nov - Nov ISSA Show North America.

InteriorDesignMagazine › photos › mats-incs-w. Wineo – Purline Organic Flooring. Then you should remove as many harmful substances from your house as possible. PVC, plasicizers- and solvents free!
The goal requires participating hospitals to move to. Modern shipbuilding and progressive offshore facilities require a . Organic core, made from natural raw materials - no plasticisers, solvents and . May Fantastic result with the use of Purline by WINEO , Exclusively distributed. Windmöller GmbH in the Eastern Westphalia. Beste Zutaten für gesundes Leben.

For warranty reasons, we recommend using the wineo silentCOMFORT. Akční kolekce ke stažení zde. Cleaning and care instructions. PURLINE JE ZCELA PŘÍRODNÍ A EKOLOGICKÁ .
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