We have few details about this taxon; if you can provide any information, photos or reliable records, please contact one of the site authors. Eel Grass is a stem-like submerged herb with coarse, up to cm long, round runners. Leaves arise from root, linear-oblong, ribbon-shape upto cm long, . Common name : Eel Grass, Tapegrass, Eel we. Tamil : calanili, jalanili, valukkuppaci Marathi : phiti-chesaivale, seval Telugu : panchadub, punatsu Buy Tropica Vallisneria Americana var.

Välimuistissa Käännä tämä sivu Tropica Vallisneria Americana var. Asiatica by Tropica at GreenAqua. Height : Stem with 20cm – 40cmPlant Type : Vallisneria SpiralisTemperature : 22- 28° . Description: Vallisneria spiralis is one of the classic aquarium plants, known in the hobby since the beginnings of aquaristics.
In nature it is distributed in . Physiological responses of Vallisneria asiatica to these sediments were compared. East Lake Taihu sediment. Checklists containing Vallisneria spiralis L. BSBI List of British Irish Vascular Plants and Stoneworts, version (Recommended); CELl Higher Plants, version.

Sorry but this item is currently unavailable. Its shorter leaves (20-cm) differ from most other .
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