This dwarf strain is a good edging plant for the front of a sunny border. Forms a compact mound of dark green leaves, bearing . It looks fabulous in containers and also works well as a bedding plant or as . FLOWERS : showy USUAL WIDTH : 0. Unfortunately, the plants did not survive the first. Easily grown in dry to medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun.
Thrives in poor, sandy or rocky soils with good drainage. Tolerant of heat, humidity . Family: Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY-see-ee) (Info). Species: grandiflora (gran-dih-FLOR-uh) (Info). PLANT OF THE MOMENT- COREOPSIS GRANDIFLORA PRESTO.
What does it mean when customers are selling . Click here to find out more. This Pin was discovered by Amanda Frye. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. Coreopsis grandiflora Presto. For the grower this is the perfect variety to produce in a pack.
The production cycle is short and the crop is. It has double golden yellow flowers with fluted edges that flower continuously throughout the summer. Der goldgelbe Blütenteppich sorgt bis zum ersten Frost für Farbe im Beet oder Kübel. Presto blüht bereits im ersten Jahr üppig. Die Blüten sind halbgefüllt.
The common name is large-flowered tickseed. Daarnaast is deze plant zeer geschikt voor de siertuin. An abundance of semi-double, golden-yellow daisies for weeks on end. Compact foliage forms rounded dark green mounds. Kirjeldus: Kollased pooltäidisõied juunist septembrini.

Large semi-double golden yellow flowers on compact plant. Height 25cm Width 25cm Bloom Time May-Sept Zone 4. Great in the garden and as a cut flower! Flowering from spring to frost.
A popular old-fashioned perennial . Landscape Application: The perfect choice for beds and borders. Each brilliant yellow face features bol wine-red marks. Plant with contrasting reds and orange. Bright, golden-yellow daisy-like flowers with a maroon central blotch. Easy to grow in full sun and well drained soil, they are very drought . Bainbridge Avenue Community Garden, Bronx, NY items.
Grow In Sandy Well Drained Soil In Full Sun . The plant is so called semi-double, but produces more.
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