středa 22. února 2017

Buddleia alternifolia unique

Buddleja Unique flowers extremely rich and long. You can enjoy this abundant floral display from early summer throughout autumn. Flowering ‎: ‎Very floriferous. I was somewhat surprise. A remarkable recent introduction, Unique is a very compact hybridisation of the species B.

Unlike its parent it does not . The compact, free-flowering habit of this butterfly bush make it a great choice for containers, small spaces and gardners looking for a big bang for their buck. Commonly called the Butterfly Bush this Buddleia will wow you with its long flower panicles and . De takken van Unique zijn bedekt met vele sierlijke, lila-kleurige bloemtrosjes. Je kunt van begin zomer tot ver in . Zwerg-Kaskadensommerflieder.

Blütezeit: Juli - Oktober.

Seine Blätter besitzen eine . Bei dem Sommerflieder Unique handelt es sich um eine absolute Neuheit. Plantbezorgd maakt het je makkelijk. Wij leveren de mooiste tuinplanten bij jou thuis! Compact, légèrement pleureur, extrêmement florifère, il est doté.

Customers who bought this item also bought. Picture of Heuchera in several colours. A deciduous shrub with silver-green leaves.

Masses of scented lilac flowers are produced throughout . Densely branched and with relatively small leaves, still fresh green and healthy in . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Buddleia alternifolia Unique - Arbre aux papillons nain (plante reçue). Een toepasselijke naam voor Unique ! De steriele bloemen van . Deciduous - alternate, lance- shaped .

Het blad is langwerpig smal en grijsgroen. The huge lavender flowers spikes are an astonishing in length and drape gracefully down over the bush, covering the shrub in late spring. Zones ‎: ‎- Shipping ‎: ‎No longer available this season. Quelle est la meilleure période ? Der Engländer Peter Moore war es, der bei zahlreichen Kreuzungsvern zufällig auf einen Sämling stiess, . Hauenstein: Winterschutz.

Zahteve, suha dobro odcedna zemlja, sončna lega. Cvetenje, julij - oktober. Barva, lila cvetovi ki privabljajo čebele in metulje. Kategorie: Bienenfreundliche Sträucher.

Categorie: Buiten planten. Habitus kompaktní, zakrslý.

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